2014.5.1 Current.
Full papers |
1.伊東嗣功, 工藤 卓 : “培養神経回路網における誘発応答パターンの履歴現象” , 電気学会論文誌C, Vol.133/No.10, pp.1905-1911, DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.133.1905, 2013
2.箕嶋 渉,伊東嗣功,工藤 卓 : "培養神経回路網における自発性神経電気活動のグルコース濃度依存性", 電気学会論文誌 C, Vol.133/No.10, pp.1912-1917, DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.133.1912, 2013
3. Ito Hidekatsu, Kudoh Suguru : Fundamental Short-Term Memory of Semi-Artificial Neuronal Network: Proc. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp.811-814
4. Masaaki Suzuki, Koji Ikeda, Munehiro Yamaguchi, Suguru N. Kudoh,Keiko Yokoyama, Ryota Satoh, Daisuke Ito, Masafumi Nagayama, Tsutomu Uchida, Kazutoshi Gohara, "Neuronal cell patterning on a multi-electrode array for a network analysis platform" Biomaterials 34 (21) July.2013 5210ー5217
5.Chie Hosokawa, Yasutaka Sakamoto, Suguru N. Kudoh, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, and Takahisa Taguchi, "Femtosecond laser-induced stimulation of a single neuron in a neuronal network", Applied Physics A, Volume 110, Issue 3, pp. 607-612 (2013).
6.Kudoh, Suguru N., Ito, Hidekatsu, Hayashi, Isao: Neurorobot Vitroid-a Living Test Model for Embodiment Brain Research: Proc. Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 1472-1475 doi: 10.1109/SCIS-ISIS.2012.6505398, 2013
7. Shuta, Alice, Kudoh, Suguru N, Functional Connections between Avian and Mammalian Neurons: Proc. Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 13th International Symposium on AdvancedIntelligent Systems, 1476-1480 doi: 10.1109/SCIS-ISIS.2012.6505399, 2013
8.山口洋平、工藤卓: 脳波特性変化の自動探索によるブレインーコンピューター・インターフェース(BCI)の提案、「知能と情報」Vol.24, No.5, pp.979-987, 2012年10月
9.橋本剛佑、工藤卓、佐藤英俊 顕微ラマン分光法による神経細胞成熟のモニタリング分析, レーザー研究第40巻4号, pp.280-284, 2012年4月
10.Chie. Hosokawa, Suguru N. Kudoh, Ai Kiyohara and Takahisa Taguchi, Optical trapping of synaptic vesicles in neurons, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 163705, doi:10.1063/1.3579191, 2011.
11.林 勲,徳田 農,清原 藍,田口 隆久,工藤 卓, 生体表現システム:ファジィインタフェースを用いた培養神経細胞とロボットとの相互接合, 知能と情報,Vol.23, No.5, pp.761-772, 2011
12. Munehiro Yamaguchi, Koji Ikeda, Masaaki Suzuki, Ai Kiyohara, Suguru N. Kudoh, Kyoko Shimizu, Toshio Taira, Daisuke Ito, Tsutomu Uchida and Kazutoshi Gohara, "Cell Patterning Using a Template of Microstructured Organosilane Layer Fabricated by Vacuum Ultraviolet Light Lithography" Langmuir, 2011, 27 (20), pp. 12521–12532,DOI: 10.1021/la202904g
13. Chie Hosokawa, Suguru N. Kudoh, Ai Kiyohara, and Takahisa Taguchi: "Optical trapping of synaptic vesicles in neurons" Applied Physics lett. 98, 163705 (2011);
14. C. Hosokawa, S. N. Kudoh, M. Suzuki, A. Kiyohara, Y. Hosokawa, K. Okano, H. Masuhara, T. Taguchi "Micro-channel fabrication by femtosecond laser to arrange neuronal cells on multi-electrode arrays" Applied Physics A vol. 101, pp. 423-428
15.Daisuke Ito, Hiroki Tamate, Masahumi Nagayama, Tsutomu Uchida, Suguru N. Kudoh, Kazutoshi Gohara,Minimum neuron density for synchronized bursts in a rat cortical culture on multi-electrode arrays, Neuroscience, 171(1), pp.50-61,doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.08.038
16.A. Kiyohara,T. Taguchi and S. N. Kudoh: "Effects of electrical stimulation on autonomous electrical activity in a cultured rat hippocampal neuronal network",Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 6 / No. 2, pp. 163-167, 2011.
17. S. N. Kudoh, A. Kiyohara, M. Tokuda and T. Taguchi: "Paradigms representing the relationship between inner of the brain and the outer world", Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering Vol. 6 / No. 1, pp.51-57, 2011.
18. Chie Hosokawa, Suguru N. Kudoh, Mariko Suzuki, Ai Kiyohara, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, Kazunori Okano, Hiroshi Masuhara, and Takahisa Taguchi, “Micro-channel fabrication by femtosecond laser to arrange neuronal cells on multi-electrode arrays”, Applied Physics A: Materials: Science & Processing, Volume 101, Number 2 (2010), 423-428, DOI: 16.1007/s00339-010-5836-4, 2010.
19.M. Tokuda, A. Kiyohara, T. Taguch and S. N. Kudoh: "The effects of the current stimulation on electrical activity in dissociated neurons", Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science 2009 (MHS2009), pp.118-122, 2009.
20. 工藤 卓,清原 藍,田口隆久: "分散培養系において「クオリアが生じる可能性」についての考察", 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム)Volume 129-C Number 1 pp.32-45, 2009.
21.清原 藍,田口隆久,工藤 卓: "分散培養系における自発性活動電位と誘導活動電位との関係性", 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム)Volume 129-C Number 10 pp.1815-1821, 2009.
22. Chie Hosokawa, Suguru N. Kudoh, Ai Kiyohara, Yoichiroh Hosokawa, Kazunori Okano, Hiroshi Masuhara and Takahisa Taguchi: Femtosecond laser modification of living neuronal network,Appl. phys. A, vol..93, pp. 57-63, 2008.
23. Chie Hosokawa, Suguru N. Kudoh, Ai Kiyohara and Takahisa Taguchi: Resynchronization in neuronal network divided by femtosecond laser processing, Neuroreport, vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 771-775, 2008.
24. Suguru N. Kudoh, Chie Hosokawa, Ai Kiyohara, Takahisa Taguchi and Isao Hayashi: Biomodeling system - interaction between living neuronal networks and the outer world, J. Robotics and Mechatronics, 19(5), pp.592-600, 2007.
25. 工藤 卓, 清原 藍, 田口 隆久: 分散培養神経回路網に於けるシナプス機能的結合の不均一分布, 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム), 127-C (10), pp.1611-1618, 2007.
26. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久: 神経細胞を素材にした人工の脳を作る試み, 日本ロボット学会誌, 25(2) ,pp.214, 2007.
27. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久: 外界と相互作用する生体神経回路網, 計測自動制御学会論文集, 42(4) , pp. 351?358, 2006.
28. 工藤 卓、田口 隆久: 再構成生体神経回路網における知覚と知性の探求,日本知能情報ファジィ学会論文集「知能と情報」,18(3),pp.402-412, 2006.
29. Suguru N. Kudoh and Takahisa Taguchi: Operation of spatiotemporal patterns stored in living neuronal networks cultured on a microelectrode array, J. Advanced Computational Intelligence & Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), 8(2), pp.100-107,2004.
30. Suguru N. Kudoh, Kazuyuki Kiyosue and Takahisa Taguchi: A synaptic potentiation by a protein factor distinct from those induced by neurotrophins, Int. J. Dev. Neurosci., 20(1), pp.55-62, 2002.
31. Suguru N. Kudoh and Takahisa Taguchi: A simple exploratory algorithm for the accurate and fast detection of spontaneous synaptic events, Biosens Bioelectron., 17(9), pp.773-82, 2002.
32. Suguru N. Kudoh, Rina Nagai, Kazuyuki Kiyosue and Takahisa Taguchi: PKC and CaMKII dependent synaptic potentiation in cultured cerebral neurons, Brain Res. 915(1), pp.79-87, 2001.
33. 田口 隆久,清末 和之,工藤 卓,植田 淳子,葛西 道生 シナプス形成・制御分子の解析, 蛋白質 核酸 酵素, 45(3), pp.398-403, 1999.
34. Suguru N. Kudoh, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Michiki Kasai and Takahisa Taguchi: Synaptic potentiation induced by a protein factor in cultured cerebral neurons, Cell Mol Neurobiol., 19(5), pp.575-85, 1999.
35. Suguru N. Kudoh, Akira Matsuo, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Michiki Kasai and Takahisa Taguchi: Long-lasting enhancement of synaptic activity in dissociated cerebral neurons induced by brief exposure to Mg2+-free conditions, Neurosci Res. 28(4), pp.337-44, 1997.
36. 田口隆久、薄暁雪、谷口弘志、清末和之、工藤卓、湯元昇、達吉郎、山本仁、葛西道生、吉川暹: Analysis of synaptogenesis in vitro by peptides relating to cell adhesion,Peptide Chemistry,pp.145-148, 1994.
Reviews, Books |
1.工藤卓、本多慶大: "ウェアラブル脳波計とスマートフォンで構成した脳波遠隔計測システム", 『ヒト装着エレクトロニクス』株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス(in press)
2. Suguru N. Kudoh "Design to perform information processing in living neuronal network" a book chapter in "Creative Engineering Design in Robotics and Mechatronics", edited by Maki Habib, IGI Global, Hershey, USA
3. 工藤 卓, バイオ電気化学関係(2) マイクロアレイ電極による細胞外電位測定 -分散培養系への適用, ElectrochemistryVol.80, No.7(pp.524-530), 2012.
4.林 勲,工藤 卓, 神経回路網の身体性:分散培養系神経回路網ロボット,国際高等研究所報告書 0906「スキルと組織」,椹木 哲夫(編),国際高等研究所,第8章,pp.175-194, 2011.
5. 工藤 卓,細川 千絵,医療応用 バイオロボティクスへの発展 Medical Bio 5月号,第7巻第3号,pp.36-39,2010.
6. 工藤 卓,清原 藍,田口 隆久:神経回路網における”小さな世界”の意味, 日本神経回路学会誌, 14(3), 198-204, 2007.
7. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久: 神経細胞, ナノバイオ大事典, pp.251-253, 2007.
8. 工藤 卓:分散培養系 (dissociated culture),日本知能情報ファジィ学会論文集「知能と情報」,18(6),pp.879, 2006.
9. 工藤 卓、田口 隆久: 神経細胞とシナプス可塑性: 日本知能情報ファジィ学会論文集「知能と情報」,18(3),pp.362-368, 2006.
10. 工藤 卓 他 (座談会参加): 科学館って何だろう? 座談会「若手研究者たちと考える、新しい科学館の姿」, MeSci Magazine(ミーサイ・マガジン), vol.5, 美術出版社、2004.
11. Takahisa Taguchi, Kazuyuki Kiyosue and Suguru N. Kudoh: Chick cerebral neurons, The neuron in tissue culture, IBRO hand book series, Wiley (London), 1999.
12. 田口 隆久、清末 和之、工藤 卓,大脳皮質ニューロンーシナプス形成・可塑性アッセイ系,ニューロサイエンスラボマニュアル,pp.150-154、1997.
Awards |
1. 日本知能情報ファジィ学会2012年度論文賞(林 勲, 徳田 農, 清原 藍, 田口 隆久, 工藤 卓: 生体表現システム:ファジィインタフェースを用いた培養神経回路網とロボットとの相互接合)
2. Suguru N. Kudoh, Ai Kiyohara and Takahisa Taguchi, Best Paper Award in 2008
International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (IEEE MHS2008)
Patents |
1. 田口 隆久、工藤 卓、川崎 隆史: 細胞接着性基材, 特 3550659, 2004.
2. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久: 探索型の信号検出装置、信号検出方法、信号検出プログラム及びそのプログラムを記録した記録媒体, 特 3755025, 2006.
3. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久: k-means法を用いるクラスタ分析装置、クラスタ分析方法、クラスタ分析プログラム、及びそのプログラムを記録した記録媒体,特願2004-026764, 2004.
4. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久: 区画アレイ型細胞外電位測定プローブ,特 41474590, 200.8
5. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久: 神経回路網電気活動調整装置,特願2004-088256, 2004.
(Softwares) |
1. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久: 神経電気活動解析ソフトウェアFAUST,2002.
Invited talks, Presentations to exhibitions |
1.工藤 卓,徳田 農, 清原 藍, 細川 千絵, 林 勲、田口 隆久: 外界と相互作用しながら自己組織化する培養神経回路網, 日本比較生理学会第30回大会, 北海道大学 理学部, 札幌, 7.19, 2008
2. 工藤 卓,徳田 農, 清原 藍, 細川 千絵, 林 勲, 田口 隆久: Vitroid-”試験管”としてのニューロ・ロボット ハイブリッド, 日本知能情報ファジィ学会北海道支部セミナー、, 北海学園大学 工学部, 札幌, 5.15, 2008
3.工藤 卓: ,分散培養系に於ける神経活動の不均一分布,日本生物物理学会第45回年会, パシフィコ横浜, 横浜, 12.21, 2007
4. Suguru N. Kudoh: Reorganization of internal connectivity in dissociated neuronal culture by interaction with outer world, 2006 Society for Neurosciences,Invited for "Recent Advances in Network Electrophysiology Using Multi-Electrode Arrays" in 2006 Society for Neurosciences, Satellite Symposium, the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, 10.16, 2006.
5. Suguru N. Kudoh: Biomodeling System by Living Neuronal Network Connected to Moving Robot,Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Tsukuba, 11.10, 2006.
6 工藤 卓: ロボットを制御する“生きている” 神経細胞,さきがけライブ2005, 東京フォーラム, 12.21, 2005
7. 工藤 卓: 相互作用によって自己組織化される培養神経回路網-生物の部品にロボットの体を与える試み-,理研フォーラム,名古屋、11.2, 2005.
8. 工藤 卓, 田口 隆久:外界と相互作用する生体神経回路網~神経物理工学プラットフォームの確立を目指して,北海道大学 工学部,札幌, 9.15, 2005.
9. 工藤 卓: 分散培養神経回路網における自己組織化された機能的ネットワーク,生理学研究所セミナー,岡崎, 2.24, 2005.
10. Suguru N. Kudoh and Takahisa Taguchi: Network dynamics of cultured hippocampal neurons in a multi-electrode array,Invited, Keynote presentation of SPIE International Symposium Smart Materials, Nano-, and Micro-Smart Systems,University of New South Wales, Sydney, 12.15, 2004.
11. 工藤 卓: 拡散性蛋白質因子によるシナプス伝達の長期的増強、第36回 千里神経懇話会、吹田市,9.9, 1999.
Proceedings |
1.Suguru N. Kudoh, Yasuhiro Hukui, Hidekatsu Ito : “Neurorobot Vitroid as a model of brain-body interaction”, proc. 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON2013), pp.6388-6391, Wien, 2013
2.Alice Shuta, Suguru N. Kudoh: Semi-artificial living neuronal network consists of neuronal units derived from different species : The 8th International Conference on Body Area Network (BodyNets2013), Boston, 2013
3. Keisuke Izutani, Hidekatsu Ito, and Suguru N. Kudoh:The Stability and Periodicity of Neuronal network activity pattern repertory.:The 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks(BodyNets2013), Boston, 2013
4. Keita Honda,Suguru N. Kudoh : Air brain – the easy telemetric system with smartphone for EEG signal and human behavior : The 8th International Conference on Body Area Network (BodyNets2013), Boston, 2013
5. Isao Hayashi, Koki Mitsumoto, Suguru N. Kudoh: Fuzzy Bio-Indicator: Evaluation of Logicality and Connectivity for Living Neuronal Network : The 8th International Conference on Body Area Network (BodyNets2013), Boston, 2013
6. Yasuhiro Hukui, Hidekatsu Ito, and Suguru N. Kudoh:Neuro-robot Vitroid- Living neuronal network with physical embodiment by a miniature moving robot: The 8th International Conference on Body Area Network (BodyNets2013), Boston, 2013
7. Isao Hayashi, Koki Mitsumoto and Suguru N. Kudoh : "Fuzzy Bio-Indicator: Evaluation of Logicality and Connectivity for Living Neuronal Network", proc. 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks(BODYNET2013), Boston, 2013
8. Keita Honda,Suguru N. Kudoh: Air Brain-The Telemetric System for Human Behavior and EEG Signal with Smartphone ISCIIA2012, Sapporo, 2012
9.Hidekatsu Ito and Suguru N. Kudoh: Hysteresis of evoked activity pattern in cultured neuronal network: proc. MEA meeting2012(8th International meeting2012), pp.74-75, Reutlingen, Germany, 2012
10. Suguru N. Kudoh and Hidekatsu Ito: How to link neuronal network activity to robot behavior: proc. MEA meeting2012(8th International meeting2012), pp.51-52, Reutlingen, Germany, 2012
11. Teppei Taenaka, Hidekatsu Ito, Masaaki Murata and Suguru N. Kudoh: ANN Generation According to a Connection Map of Cultured Network of Living Neurons on a Dish, proc. Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS), 2011 International Symposium on, pp.486-489
12.Masaaki Murata, Hidekatsu Ito, Teppei Taenaka and Suguru N. Kudoh: Modification of Activity Pattern Induced by Synaptic Enhancements in a Semi-Artificial Network of Living Neurons, proc. Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS), 2011 International Symposium on, pp.250-254
13. Suguru N. Kudoh, Isao Hayashi, Takahisa Taguchi: Operation of Network Dynamics in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons on a Multi-electrode Array, Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2006), pp.200-204, Nagoya, 2006.
14. Suguru N. Kudoh, Isao Hayashi, Takahisa Taguchi: Synaptic potentiation re-organized functional connections in a cultured neuronal network connected to amoving robot,Proceedings of MEA Meeting, Reutlingen 2006, pp.51-52, 2006
15. Suguru N. Kudoh, Takahisa Taguchi, Isao Hayashi: Interaction and Intelligence in Living Neuronal Networks Connected to Moving Robot, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE2006) in 2006 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2006), pp.1162-1166 (No.FUZZ4516), Vancouver, 2006.
16. Isao Hayashi, Takahiro Yamanoi, Suguru N. Kudoh: Biologically Motivated Systems: A Fuzzy System for Living Neuronal Networks and Early Vision of Brain, Proceedings of the Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2006), Invited Talk, pp.1636, Tokyo, 2006.
17. Isao Hayashi, Takahisa Taguchi, Suguru N. Kudoh: Biomodeling System by Living Neuronal Network Connected to Moving Robot, Proceedings of International Symposium on Artificial Brain with Emotion and Learning (ISABEL2006), pp.164-165, Seoul, 2006.
18. Suguru N. Kudoh, Takahisa Taguchi: Interaction and intelligence in living neuronal networks interfaced with moving robot, Progress in biomedical optics and imaging proceedings of SPIE, 6036, pp.60360S1-60360S12, Brisbane, 2006.
19. Suguru N. Kudoh, Takahisa Taguchi: Robotic brain: interaction and intelligence in living neuronal networks connected to moving robot, SICE 2005 proceedings, pp.2568-2571, Okayama, 2005.
20. Takahisa Taguchi and Suguru N. Kudoh: Network dynamics of cultured hippocampal neurons in a multi-electrode array, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging, proceedings of SPIE #5651, pp.243-253, Sydney, 2004.
21. SuguruN. Kudoh, Takahisa Taguchi and Syunsuke Yuba: Synaptic enhancement induced dynamical change of functional connections between neurons in living neuronal networks, Proceedings of 2004 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, pp.283-286, Fukuoka, 2004.
22. Suguru N. Kudoh and Takahisa Taguchi: Methods to analyze spatio-temporal patterns of electrical activities in living neuronal networks, SICE 2004 Proceedings, pp.2343-2346, Sapporo, 2004.
23. Suguru N. Kudoh and Takahisa Taguchi: Methods to manipulate the output of dissociated living neuronal network in vitro by the electrical input, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2004 (FUZZ-IEEE2004), pp.0049-1226, Budapest, 2004.
24. Suguru N. Kudoh and Takahisa Taguchi: Methods to manipulate spatiotemporal patterns stored in living neuronal networks cultured on a microelectrode array, Proceedings of International Workshop of Fuzzy Systems & Innovational Computing (FIC2004) , pp.184-189, Kitakyushu, 2004.
25. Suguru N. Kudoh and Takahisa Taguchi: Network dynamics of living neuronal networks cultured on multi-electrode arrays. SICE 2003 Proceedings, pp.2039-2042, Fukui 2003.
26. Takahisa Taguchi, X-X. Bo, Hiroshi Taniguchi, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Suguru Kudoh, Noboru Yumoto, Yoshiro Tatsu, Hitoshi Yamamoto, Michiki Kasai, Susumu Yoshikawa: Controlled Growth Glia-Free Neuronal Cell by RGD Peptide and the Analysis of Synaptogenesis in Vitro,Proceeding of Biomedical Materials Research in the FarEast (II). (1995), 1996/02, pp.-145-148, 1995.
27. Suguru Kudoh, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Michiki Kasai, Takahisa Taguchi: Long-term enhancement of synchronous spontaneous post synaptic currents in dissociated chick cerebral culture, Proceedings of the second joint meeting of the physiological societies of Japan and U.K. and EIRE OKAZAKI NAGOYA Symposium, pp.3-10, Okazaki, 1995.
Other international meetings |
1.Hidekatsu Ito and Suguru N. Kudoh: The hysteresis of evoked spike patterns in a cultured neuronal network depends on the strength of functional connections, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2013, San Diego, 11.12, 2013
2. Wataru Minoshima, Hidekatsu Ito, Suguru N. Kudoh:External glucose concentration has influences on the spontaneous electrical activity in dissociated neuronal network : Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2013 : San Diego, 11.12, 2013
3. Minoshima Wataru, Kudoh Suguru, Ito Hidekatsu, : The Glucose Concentration-Dependent Spontaneous Electrical Activity in a Cultured Neuronal Network: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Osaka, 7.3, 2013
4.S.N.Kudoh, Y.Inoue, H. ito: The cluster analysis of electrical activity pattern in a cultured neural network on multielectrode array (MEA) dish: NEUROSCIENCE2012, New Orleans, 10.13-17, 2012
5. S. N. Kudoh, Y. Inoue, R. Nakanishi, M. Murata, H. Ito: Estimation of pattern repertory of autonomous activity in cultured hippocampal neurons, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2011, Washington, DC., 10.15, 2011.
6. C. Hosokawa, Y. Ueda, S. N. Kudoh, T. Taguchi: Optical trapping and assembling dynamics of synaptic vesicles in neurons revealed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2011, Washington, DC., 10.13, 2011.
7. H. Ito, S. N. Kudoh: Hysteresis of cultured neuronal network depend on culture age that depends on network maturity, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2011, Washington, DC., 10.14, 2011.
8.Suguru N. Kudoh, N. Fujiwara, H. Ito, M. Tokuda, C. Hosokawa:Neuro-robot with autonomous activity in the neuronal circuit, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2010, San Diego, 10.16, 2010.
9. Suguru N. Kudoh: The network dynamics and spontaneous activity in dissociated rat hippocampal culture, Neuroscience 2009, SfN's 39th annual meeting, McCormick Place, Chicago,2009.10
10. Suguru N. Kudoh, Ai Kiyohara, Takahisa Taguchi: Re-organization of self-organized functional connections between dissociated hippocampal neurons, NEUROSCIENCE 2006, the Society for Neuroscience 36th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 10.18, 2006.
11. Suguru N. Kudoh, Takahisa Taguchi: Synaptic potentiation modulates self-organized functional assemblies in cultured living neuronal networks, NEUROSCIENCE 2005, the Society for Neuroscience 35th Annual Meeting,Washington D.C., 11.16, 2005.
12. Suguru N. Kudoh, Syunsuke Yuba and Takahisa Taguchi: The modification of functional connectivity changes spatio-temporal patterns of spike activities in dissociated neuronal networks,NEUROSCIENCE 2004, the Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting,SanDiego, 10.27, 2004.
13. Suguru N. Kudoh and Takahisa Taguchi: Synaptic potentiation and network dynamics of living neuronal cells cultured on multi-electrode arrays, NEUROSCIENCE 2003, the Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting, NewOrleans, 11.8, 2003.
14. Suguru N. Kudoh, Kazuyuki Kiyosue and Takahisa Taguchi: A protein factor in the conditioned medium increased mEPSCs in frequency, the Society for Neuroscience 32nd Annual Meeting,Orlando, ,11.4, 2002.
15. Suguru N. Kudoh, Rina Nagai, Atsuko Kobayashi, Kazuyuki Kiyosue and Takahisa Taguchi: A protein factor in the conditioned medium increased the number of synaptic sites and/or probability of transmitter release,the Society for neuroscience 31st annual meeting,San Diego、11.12, 2001.
16. Suguru N. Kudoh, Kazuyuki Kiyosue and Takahisa Taguchi: Long-lasting synaptic potentiation induced by a protein factor in cultured cerebral neurons, the Society for Neuroscience 29th annual meeting, Miami 10.25,1999.
17. Suguru N. Kudoh, Rina Nagai, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Takashi Kawasaki and Takahisa Taguchi: A protein factor released during the induction of PKC deopendent Long-term synaptic enhancement, the Society for Neuroscience 28th annual meeting, Los Angeles, 10.29, 1998.
18. Suguru N. Kudoh, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Michiki Kasai and Takahisa Taguchi: Long-term potentiation induced by factor(s) released during the induction of the enhancement of SEPSCs, the Society for Neuroscience 27th annual meeting, New Orleans, 10.1, 1997.
19. Suguru N.Kudoh, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Michiki Kasai, Takahisa Taguchi: Long-lasting enhancement of synaptic transmission in dissociated chick cerebral neurons, the Society for Neuroscience 26th annual meeting, Washington D.C. 11.1, 1996.
20. Takahisa Taguchi, X-X. Bo, Hiroshi Taniguchi, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Suguru Kudoh, Sawako Murase: Synapse-Formation in a Glia-Free Culture of Dissocciated Chick Cerebral Neurons,the Society for Neuroscience 25th Annual Meeting, San Diego, 11.1, 1995.
21. X-X. Bo, Hiroshi Taniguchi, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Suguru Kudoh, Michiki Kasai, Susumu Yoshikawa, Takahisa Taguchi: Synaptogenesis in Glia-Free Neuronal Culture Systems, 4th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, 7.1, 1995.
22. Takahisa Taguchi, Kazuyuki Kiyosue, Suguru Kudoh, Michiki Kasai: Synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity in dissociated chick cerebral neurons,the Society for Neuroscience 24th Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, 11. 1, 1994
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関西学院大学 理工学部 人間システム工学科
〒669-1337 三田市学園2丁目1番地 関西学院大学理工学部
Laboratory for Neuronal Intelligence Engineering
Department of Human System Interaction, School of Science and Technology,
Kwansei Gakuin University,
2-1 Gakuen, Sanda, 669-1337, Japan